
Cass County Tax Office lobby re-opens

Cass County Tax Office lobby re-opens

The Cass County Tax Office in Linden has opened its lobby to a maximum of four people at a time. Those who plan to visit the office in person must wear a mask or bandana. Back row left to right: Penny Hunt, Tara Overmyer, Natalie Abernathy, Brynn McDaniel, Angela Young,Tax Assessor-Collector, Jenny Burson. Bottow row left to right: Pam Henry, Ivory Birmingham, Dana McDuffie.

Prayer Corner

Due to the sensitive nature of individual prayer requests I decided to offer specific things that we can pray for this week that is a bit more general.

Stay-at-home order ends April 30

Stay-at-home order ends April 30

Gov. Greg Abbott announced Monday that his stayat-home executive order will expire on Apr. 30 and will not be renewed. Additionally, Abbott detailed the criteria for reopening several Texas businesses to begin on May 1st. This after implementing the “retail to-go” approach to getting businesses operating again which took effect last Friday and allows businesses to take orders and either deliver them to customers’ homes or have customers pick up their order curbside, so long as they don’t enter the store.


Cass County Now

306 West Main St
Atlanta, TX 75551