Columns & Opinions

LEDC Update

The LEDC is very happy to announce that we are on our way forward with our Chapter 380 Incentive Agreement with Calabri Health, LLC and Open Hearts Children and Family Services, LLC! At their last city council meeting, the Linden City Council voted to approve the resolution to undertake the agreement after it’s second public reading (it’s first having taken place at the October city council meeting).

Lions de-stress

Lions de-stress

The Lions Club of Linden held their regular weekly meeting on Thursday Nov. 12 at noon at the County Seat Café. This week’s special guest was Kathryn Burkhalter. Burkhalter is the Practice Manager for Community Healthcore and spoke to those in attendance about stress and anxiety during the pandemic. Her presentation was very informative. She noted that there are two types of stress, positive and negative.


Cass County Now

306 West Main St
Atlanta, TX 75551